December 15, 2010

KAIDOO! at "Christmas Clearing Sale"

semua berawal dari kami yang sedang duduk2 dirumah, menikmati playlist dambaan sambil bersenda gurau. kemudian ada sms masuk yang kami kira tadinya adalah seorang buyer yang ingin memesan kaos kami, ternyata dari teman2 LEMARIKU. mereka menawarkan apa KAIDOO! berminat untuk bergabung di acara "Christmas Clearing Sale"bazaar, lokasinya di tebet jakarta selatan, 
untuk tanggal 10-12 desember 2010.

setelah 5 menit berfikir panjang..

"kenapa ngga?"

sesampainya di tebet, KAIDOO! dan teman2 LEMARIKU dihadapkan dengan tenda yang belum dipasang. jadi kami terpaksa menunggu sampai tenda dan pemasangan lampu selesai,

baru menyusun product2 kami di stand yg sudah disiapkan berdasarkan denah.


tgl 10, tebet dihujani air sekaligus manusia. sejak pukul 5 sore, orang2 sudah berlalu lalang tidak ada hentinya. 
serentak kami berfikir. "waahh pasti banyak yang beli nihhh......!!!"
kenyataannya ngga ada 1 pun buyer, kami semua manyun dan langsung pulang begitu acara selesai.


tgl 11..
TEBET RAMAI SEKALI..!!!    LAGI.....!!!!
kami terus optimis dan nyatanya.. stand kami dihujani pengunjung. beberapa T-Shirt Wave II - Star Wars Ed berhasil menemani para costumer kembali ke rumah mereka masing2.
Kami pun berterima kasih pada Tuhan YME, dan pulang kerumah kami masing2 stelah acara selesai,
kali ini dengan senyum lebar.. :D


tgl 12..
tebet tidak terlalu banyak dikunjungi orang, namun malam tetap dihiasi lampu2 dari berbagi macam toko dan restaurant di tebet, anak2 jalanan tetap bermain dan mencari sesuap makanan bagi perut mereka,
sama seperti kita.
stand kami kembali dikunjungin orang seiring malam makin larut dan mereka tidak hanya sekedar melihat2.. beberapa product KAIDOO! dan LEMARIKU juga turut dibawa pulang mereka.

Bazaar pertama kami, sukses!!

Terima kasih banyak ya semuanya..!!

December 01, 2010

Wave 2 [T-Shirt] - Star Wars Ed.

Star Wars has become a religion for some people. All the accurate measurement on the movie makes this saga one of the greatest movie ever made. We proudly present, MASTER YODA, SITH, R2-D2, and FANBOY for you. Contact us and we send your order directly, so.. what are you waiting for? collect yours now..

Once you watched Star Wars and you fell for that movie and you are dying to collect anything related to star wars.. at that exact moment you have become a FANBOY!
Beat that FAT FANBOY by wearing him on your shirt.. collect it now... :D

available size: S / M / L / XL

Small in size, but this robot has become a great figure on star wars saga. This Savior has provide help to anyone as well as putting his own systems on the line. Without R2.. Star Wars will never be completed.

available size: S / M / L / XL

The most wise and the greatest teacher of all Jedi Master. MASTER YODA died at the age of 900. On his saga, he has compete in many wars between the Jedi Knights and the Sith, giving wisdom and also raising young padawans to become an ultimate Jedi.


Master Yoda

available size: S / M / L / XL


This SITH LORD first appearance with his twin light saber has leave a mark inside our head, and that's why we voted DARTH MAUL! as the most bad ass sith lord of the entire saga.

available size: S / M / L / XL

*) Rubber ink (not washed) to give brighter color


November 23, 2010

Wave 1 [T-Shirt] - Sketch Superhero Ed.

our very first T-Shirt line with your favorite superhero characters. collect yours now before it sold out!!

post your order here:

Yahoo! M - madhyastha7
SMS - 0856 914 519 30


00 - Gundam Dynames

Lockon Stratos is the name assigned to pilot this great Gundam. This great machine and his ability made him able to snipe from great distance accurately. He is the most mature pilot other than his 3 comrade in Celestial Being. Unfortunately, Lockon died in battle along with his Gundam Dynames, and be replaced with his younger twin brother who is given a code name of Lockon Stratos also, but no one.. i repeat.. no one.. can replace the accuracy of the original Lockon Stratos and his Gundam Dynames.

IDR - 70,000 (exclude shipping)   |   Available in Size - S   M   XL


00 - Gundam Exia

Gundam Exia and his pilot Setsuna F. Seiei has been a role model in Celestial being. Setsuna is still a teenager yet he mastered all close combat skills. His Gundam Exia is armored with 7 swords to help him anihilate all enemies who are trying to create more chaos in Earth. Setsuna had a dark childhood when he was forced and manipulated to join a terrorist organization. Now, with the help from his comrade in Celestial Being, both Setsuna and his Gundam Exia have reach one goal, that is to eradicate war in the face of our own planet Earth

IDR - 70,000 (exclude shipping)   |   Available in Size - S   M   XL



Gambit is a mutant who has the ability to manipulate kinetic energy as well as hipnotic charm. His hobby towards gambling made him a master at throwing cards. He choose a staff for his weapon of choice, combined with his ability to flow his power through his weapons, this fellow is ready to assist his X-Men comrade with his great combat skills.

IDR - 70,000 (exclude shipping)   |   Available in Size - S   M   L   XL



Walter Joseph Kovacs saw that our society is facing a great deal of depression. He is sick of all the criminal activity happening nowadays so he decided to create a mask with Rorschach ink test to hide his alter ego. As time went on, Walter has considered that his Rorschach mask is his true face for the society.  With his intuitive detective instinct and his street fighting ability, Rorschach is ready to fight all criminals to the ground.

IDR - 70,000 (exclude shipping)   |   Available in Size - S   M   L   XL



Who needs more info about this Friendly Neighborhood Super Hero?
Peter Parker was accidentally bitten by a radio active spider which grant him all spider ability. Peter also have a magnificent power beyond normal people thanks to that spider. Before his uncle was murdered, he got one last message which change his personality instantly.
"With great power, Comes great responsibility."
Peter Parker held on to that message and has committed himself to help people in need and fight all criminal activity.

IDR - 70,000 (exclude shipping)   |   Available in Size - S   M   L   XL



  • Best Quality cotton combad 30S
  • A2 Superwhite Ink + Garment wash with bio bleach
  • Size may vary slightly
  • Only available in White